Featured Art


The story behind the art on our packaging

Paper cutting has been around since the 16th century. Different cultures have different names and different styles. In Switzerland, it is called scherenschnitte, German for “scissor cuts.” This traditional art involves cutting symmetrical shapes of paper to depict scenes of the Swiss countryside.

Scherenschnitte is the feature of our packaging. The art reflects the heritage of the Bollier family and our many longtime employees who strive to bring the same precision and beauty to chocolate making. Elements of our various scherenschnitte patterns (such as the Swiss flag, a chalet, edelweiss, the three generations, an alphorn, a chef  + animals that help to create or harvest our ingredients) can be seen in various forms on the packaging of our products.

Can you find them?

Learn more about the creation of the design.




André’s Flagship Store
5018 Main Street Kansas City, MO 64112

A collection of art work, surrounded by antique Swiss artifacts, including flags from the various cantons of Switzerland and a chalet that was custom built by André himself. The artists and their associated pieces are listed below in the order seen as you enter our KC Flagship Store.  

Richard Bergen
This sculpture titled "Interdependency" sits inside our atrium entrance. It was purchased in 1986 by Marcel Bollier in memory of his father and founder of André's, André Bollier.

Alois Carigiet
These signed lithographs adorn the walls in the back of our café and 
are from a series of 7 that were all signed by the Swiss artist and then sold as a set by his family after he passed in 1985. 

Samuel Ryffe
The iron fondue pot holders and back light fixtures as well as the table and chair legs that filled our tearoom were designed by family friend and fellow Swiss Sam Ryfee, a master craftsman and creator of beautiful metalworks across the United States, including the iconic iron work found throughout the Country Club Plaza just south of our store.

Kansas City Woodworkers' Guild
Our wood tables and chairs, with beautiful scalloped edges and hearts, were custom made for us to resemble antique Swiss chalet-inspired décor, handcrafted by our local Kansas City Woodworker's Guild.

Jean Tinguely
A Swiss artist and favorite of second generation, Marcel Bollier. This 1982 Montreux Jazz Festival poster piece greets you as you make your way to our back restrooms, just past the chocolate case. The print, in an original metal frame, is signed by the Swiss artist himself.

Arch Unruh
A longtime regular customer and retired Hallmark artist, Mr. Unruh generously gifted a series of pieces to André’s that proudly hang in the entrance to our tearoom. Each are based on photographs that his wife took during trips to Switzerland.

Jason Pollen
Jason is a longtime Bollier family friend and former Kansas City Art Institute professor. Probably the most asked about piece is "Banquet for André" which includes depictions of several of André's signature desserts. This large silk fiber art piece hangs on the wall at the entrance to the tea room, and was created in honor of André after his passing. Jason also created the vertical piece that hangs just past past the chocolate case next to the antique armoire. 



Must-See KC Chocolate Disks 
Celebrate Kansas City sports teams and architectural icons with our custom made chocolate disks showcasing Kansas City landmarks. Each piece was designed by renowned illustrator and painter Bob Holloway. Available in-store and online. View more info and purchase on our website here.

Greeting Card Set
Watercolor paintings by local artist Ivanna Ellsworth of André's pastries and tea cookies that were previously on exhibit in our café are now available as greeting cards. Available in-store and online. View more info and purchase on our website here.

More photos may be seen in the "André's Art" photo album on our Facebook page.

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